R.I.P. Mr. Chilton
Clicking on an Artist or Song will open a new window displaying all other times that Artist or Song has been played.
- Time | Artist | Song | Album [Format] | Misc Info {NEW: New Release, BotW: Band of the Week, BED: Music Played While Talking, REQ: Request, (_): Label}
- 8:00 | Congressman Steve Cohen, TN | Tribute to Alex Chilton | C-SPAN [Video Dub] | (2010)
- 8:02 | Big Star | The Ballad of El Goodo | #1 Record [CD]
- 8:06 | Chris Stamey | The Summer Sun | [7"] | (1977)
- 8:09 | David Gendelman | Alex Chilton 1975 – 1981 [Excerpt] | Crawdaddy Magazine [Reading] | (2009)
- 8:11 | Tav Falco’s Panther Burns | Bourgeois Blues | Behind the Magnolia Curtain [LP] | (1981)
- 8:16 | Alex Chilton | My Rival | Like Flies on Sherbert [LP] | (1980)
- 8:20 | Michael Azerrad | Butthole Surfers [p. 297] | Our Band Could Be Your Life [Reading]
- 8:22 | Alex Chilton | Bangkok | [7"] | (1978)
- 8:24 | Alex Chilton | No Sex [clean] | No Sex EP [12"] | (1986)
- 8:27 | Stephen Fredette | A Little Alex Chilton Story | [Reading]
- 8:29 | Replacements | Alex Chilton | Pleased to Meet Me [CD]
- 8:33 | Okkervil River | Our Life Is Not a Movie or Maybe | The Stage Names [CD] | BotW • (2007)
- 8:38 | Okkervil River | Singer Songwriter | The Stand Ins [CD] | BotW • (2008)
- 8:42 | Roky Erickson w/ Okkervil River | Goodbye Sweet Dreams | True Love Cast Out All Evil [mp3] | NEW • (Anti-, 2010)
- 8:48 | Lali Puna | Remember | Our Inventions [mp3] | NEW • (Moor Music, 2010)
- 8:50 | Cotton Candy | Top-Notch & First Rate | Top-Notch & First-Rate [CD] | NEW • (Teen Beat, 2010)
- 8:52 | Eddy Current Suppression Ring | I Got a Feeling | Rush To Relax [CD] | NEW • (Goner, 2010)
- 8:56 | Clipd Beaks | Blood | To Realize [mp3] | NEW • (Lovepump, 2010)
- 9:00 | The Feelies | High Road | The Good Earth [LP] | REQ • (1986)
- 9:04 | Nada Surf | Electrocution [Bill Fox Cover] | If I Had a Hi-Fi [mp3] | NEW • (Mardev, 2010)
- 9:07 | Darkflow | Trapezium Stars | S/T [CD] | BED • NEW • (Hazardous, 2009)
- 9:14 | Ted Leo & the Pharmacists | Everybody Wants to Rule the World | V/A A.V. Club Undercover [Video Dub] | NEW • (The Onion, 2010)
- 9:18 | Birthday Suits | Table Talk | The Minnesota: Mouth to Mouth [CD] | NEW • (Nice & Neat, 2010)
- 9:21 | Harlem | Gay Human Bones | Hippies [mp3] | NEW • (Matador, 2010)
- 9:25 | Pip Proud | Albatross | One of these days [CD] | (1998)
- 9:31 | Yume Bitsu | Sharp, Twisted | Auspicious Winds [CD] | (2001)
- 9:35 | Lou Barlow | Song of the Tall Poppy | V/A Stroke: Songs for Chris Knox [2xCD] | NEW • (Merge, 2010)
- 9:39 | Arthur Russell | A Little Lost | The World of Arthur Russel [CD] | (2003)
- 9:42 | Best Coast | This Is Real | Black Iris Presents Best Coast [CD-5] | NEW • (Black Iris, 2010)
- 9:46 | Serena Maneesh | I Just Want To See Your Face | No. 2: Abyss In B Minor [mp3] | NEW • (4AD, 2010)
- 9:49 | Doctor Nico with African Fiesta | Save Me | V/A Cazumbi – African Sixties Garage Vol. 1 [CD] | (Nosmokerecords, 2008)
- 9:51 | Wye Oak | I Hope You Die | My Neighbor / My Creator [mp3] | NEW • (Merge, 2010)
- 9:56 | Noise For Pretend | Go Figure, Another Warm Day In Paradise | Happy You Near [CD] | (2002)