Waaah! Trash! Colleen Green!
Everything Waaah! ever released can be downloaded here
Everything Waaah! ever released can be downloaded here
Clicking on an Artist or Song will open a new window displaying all other times that Artist or Song has been played.
- Time | Artist | Song | Album [Format] | Misc Info {NEW: New Release, BotW: Band of the Week, BED: Music Played While Talking, REQ: Request, SKOTY: Song Keith Omitted from his Theme Yesterday, (_): Label}
- 7:59 | Screeming Custard | Raft | V/A Split w/ Dead Famous People [flexi] | (Waaah!)
- 8:01 | Dead Famous People | Drive Away | V/A Split w/ Screeming Custard [flexi] | (Waaah!)
- 8:04 | Strawberry Story | Close My Eyes | V/A Split w/ Kind & Dalek Beach Party [7"] | (Waaah!)
- 8:06 | Kind | Emily | V/A Split w/ Strawberry Story & Dalek Beach Party [7"] | (Waaah!)
- 8:12 | Dufflecoats | Sunny Tuesday Afternoon | V/A The Waaaaah! CD [CD] | (Waaah!)
- 8:14 | The Cudgels | Watermeadow Dream | V/A Split w/ Kind & The Dufflecoats [7"] | (Waaah!)
- 8:17 | Dalek Beach Party | 6 O’Clock Again | Rable Rousers in Catalogue Trousers [MLP] | (Waaah!)
- 8:23 | Picnic | Don’t Turn Around | Plug EP [7"] | (Waaah!)
- 8:26 | Snowbirds | Motorcycle Baby | [Flexi] | (Watercolour)
- 8:28 | Solace | My Brightest Star | [Flexi]
- 8:34 | Trash | Hurting | V/A Disturbed [CD] | BotW • (1995)
- 8:38 | Trash | A Short Poem with the Voice of William Burroughs in Mind | Gate [CD] | BotW • (1994)
- 8:42 | Trash | Telecom South | Gritt and Butts [CD] | BotW • (1992)
- 8:47 | Trash | Paper [Parts I-IV] | Mihiwaka [CD] | BotW • (1995)
- 9:01 | They Go Boom! | Someday Soon | Beyond Tomorrow [MLP] | (Waaah!)
- 9:08 | Torlesse Super Group | Erewhon Sentinel Number 2 | S/T [CD] | BED • NEW • (Rebis, 2011)
- 9:14 | Colleen Green | I Wanna Be Degraded [Live] | Live on WMBR [Live] | (2011)
- 9:16 | Colleen Green | Only One [Live] | Live on WMBR [Live] | (2011)
- 9:23 | Colleen Green | Mike [Live] | Live on WMBR [Live] | (2011)
- 9:30 | Colleen Green | Darkest Eyes [Live] | Live on WMBR [Live] | (2011)
- 9:36 | Colleen Green | Worship You [Live] | Live on WMBR [Live] | (2011)
- 9:43 | Ponies In The Surf | Walkin’ in the City | See You Happy [2xCD] | (2008)
- 9:46 | Mr. Terry Edwards | This is the Sound of Music | V/A The Sound of Music [CD] | (Waaah!)
- 9:49 | Talitha K | Your Silence | Autumn [7"] | (Waaah!)
- 9:53 | Les Poissons Solubles | Can’t We Start Again | V/A Split w/ Snowbirds [7"] | (Waaah!)
- 9:58 | Screeming Custard | World in Motion | [mp3] | [New Order cover] • (Waaah!)