Clicking on an Artist or Song will open a new window displaying all other times that Artist or Song has been played.
- Time | Artist | Song | Album [Format] | Misc Info {NEW: New Release, BotW: Band of the Week, BED: Music Played While Talking, REQ: Request, SKOTY: Song Keith Omitted from his Theme Yesterday, (_): Label}
- 8:00 | The Simpsons | Evil Plan | The President Wore Pearls | SKOTY
- 8:00 | Fu Manchu | Evil Eye | The Action is Go [CD] | SKOTY • (1997)
- 8:04 | Dead Moon | Evil Eye | Echoes Of The Past | SKOTY
- 8:06 | Joe Jackson | The Evil Eye | Beat Crazy | SKOTY
- 8:10 | Elf Power | Evil Eye | Walking With the Beggar Boys | SKOTY
- 8:14 | Folk Devils | Evil Eye | Goodnight Irony [LP] | SKOTY • (1987)
- 8:25 | Veronica Falls | My Heart Beats | [Soundcloud] | NEW • (Slumberland, 2012)
- 8:28 | Cute Lepers | Tribute to Charlie | Adventure Time [CD] | NEW • (1-2-3-4 Go!, 2011)
- 8:33 | Bright | The New Hour | The Miller Fantasies [CD] | BotW • (1999)
- 8:38 | Bright | Titan | The Albatross Guest House [CD] | BotW • (1997)
- 8:41 | Bright | How I Reached Home | V/A Split w/ Füxa [7"] | BotW • (1997)
- 8:47 | Bright | Cecilia | Dreamboat [CD] | BotW • (1997)
- 8:51 | Damien Jurado | Nothing is the News | Maraqopa [CD] | NEW • (Secretly Canadian, 2012)
- 8:57 | White Fence | It Will Never Be [edit] | Family Perfume, Vol. 1 [mp3] | NEW • (Woodsist, 2012)
- 9:00 | Primitons | All My Friends | Don’t Go Away: Collected Works [CD] | NEW • (Arena Rock Recording Company, 1985/2012)
- 9:02 | The Electronic Anthology Project of Dinosaur Jr. | Tarpit | [stream] | NEW • (2012)
- 9:05 | Butthole Surfers | Psychedelic Jam | Double Live [2xCD] | BED
- 9:13 | Tunabunny | (Song for my) Solar Sister [Live] | Live on WMBR 2/3/2012 [CD-R] | (2012)
- 9:15 | Tunabunny | Subterranean [Live] | Live on WMBR 2/3/2012 [CD-R] | (2012)
- 9:18 | Tunabunny | Interview 1 [Live] | Live on WMBR 2/3/2012 [CD-R] | (2012)
- 9:22 | Tunabunny | Locusts [Live] | Live on WMBR 2/3/2012 [CD-R] | (2012)
- 9:25 | Tunabunny | Only at Night [Live] | Live on WMBR 2/3/2012 [CD-R] | (2012)
- 9:28 | Tunabunny | Interview 2 [Live] | Live on WMBR 2/3/2012 [CD-R] | (2012)
- 9:33 | Tunabunny | You Can Stop If You Want To [Live] | Live on WMBR 2/3/2012 [CD-R] | (2012)
- 9:37 | Tunabunny | Killer of Sheep [Live] | Live on WMBR 2/3/2012 [CD-R] | (2012)
- 9:41 | Tunabunny | Interview 3 [Live] | Live on WMBR 2/3/2012 [CD-R] | (2012)
- 9:45 | Tunabunny | Fake It, Faker [Live] | Live on WMBR 2/3/2012 [CD-R] | (2012)
- 9:47 | Tunabunny | Interview 4 [Live] | Live on WMBR 2/3/2012 [CD-R] | (2012)
- 9:52 | Tunabunny | Play Dead [Live] | Live on WMBR 2/3/2012 [CD-R] | (2012)
- 9:56 | The Smiths | What Difference Does It Make? | Singles [CD] | (1984/1995)