- Time | Artist | Song | Album [Format] | Misc Info {NEW: New Release, BotW: Band of the Week, BED: Music Played While Talking, REQ: Request, (_): Label}
- 8:00 | Rubber Rodeo | Jolene | [7"] | (Rumble, 1981)
- 8:05 | Karl Hendricks | Ride You Home | [7"] | (Peas Kor, 1991)
- 8:08 | The Spliffs | Sixteen | [7"] | (Revolution, 1988)
- 8:14 | Someloves | Know You Now | [7"] | (Mushroom, 1988)
- 8:18 | Gray Matter | Bite the Bit | [2x7"] | (Dischord, 1991)
- 8:21 | Icky Joey | Liberace | [7"] | (C/Z, 1991)
- 8:25 | Penis Fly Trap | Constitution | [7"] | (Woof!, 1994)
- 8:27 | MX-80 Sound | Myonga Von Bontee | [7"] | (Gulcher, 1977)
- 8:31 | Cassandra Wilson | Easy Rider | Thunderbird [CD] | BotW • (Blue Note, 2006)
- 8:38 | Cassandra Wilson | I’ll Be Seeing You | Coming Forth by Day [CD] | BotW • (Ojah, 2015)
- 8:46 | Pete Holm and the Second Wind Beat | Worryin’ | [7"] | (Remote, 1988)
- 8:49 | The Stump Wizards | Firemine | [7"] | (Get Hip, 1989)
- 8:51 | Greenhouse | Tigers | [7"] | (Firebomb Radio One, 1989)
- 8:56 | Holidaymakers | Cincinnati | [7"] | (Woosh, 1988)
- 8:59 | Hulaboy | Tula | [7"] | (Sticky, 1994)
- 9:02 | Julie Ruin | I Decide | Hit Reset [CD] | NEW • (Hardly Art, 2016)
- 9:05 | The Wedding Present | Broken Bow | Going, Going… [mp3] | NEW • (Scopitones, 2016)
- 9:09 | Butthole Surfers | Psychedelic Jam [live] | � | BED
- 9:15 | The Prophet Hens | D Modal | The Wonderful Shapes of Back Door Keys [mp3] | NEW • (Fishrider, 2016)
- 9:21 | Martin Phillipps | Easy Peasy | Live At The Moth Club [CD] | NEW • (Fire, 2016)
- 9:25 | Luna | I Know You Tried [demo] | Rarities [LP] | NEW • (Captured Tracks)
- 9:31 | New Radiant Storm King | Scuttled | The Steady Hand [CD] | (Darla, 2006)
- 9:35 | Vincent Vocoder Voice | Heidegger’s Gruel | [7"] | NEW • (Too Pure, 2016)
- 9:42 | The Wolfhounds | Now I’m A Killer | Untied Kingdom (…or how to come to terms with your culture) [mp3] | NEW • (Odd Box, 2016)
- 9:45 | Pylon | Crazy | LIVE [2xLP] | NEW • (Chunklet, 1983/2016)
- 9:48 | Sleeping Beauties | Wheeler | Sleeping Beauties [CD] | NEW • (In the Red, 2016)
- 9:51 | Connections | Kate | Midnight Run [LP] | NEW • (Anyway, 2016)
- 9:56 | Eux Autres | Patrick Nil [Live At KPSU] | Hell Is Eux Autres [mp3] | NEW • (Bons Mots, 2008/2016)
- 10:00 | Hard Left | New Year | We Are Hard Left [mp3] | (Future Perfect, 2015)
Category Archives: Music
A twitter-sprinkle regarding my AGT audition.
1. As we await my Judge Cuts appearance Wed. evening, here are some behind-the-scene tidbits from my 1st audition. pic.twitter.com/IQ3lEtSmXS
— wobblymusic (@wobblymusic) July 19, 2016
2. I met lots of folks who didn't pass the audition. @fragilerockband were a fave but were inexplicably Xed out. pic.twitter.com/9JyjT9Y2KX
— wobblymusic (@wobblymusic) July 19, 2016
3. I thought @KakiKing was a great guitarist with cool visuals; the judges thought otherwise https://t.co/iT1JXZkyZl pic.twitter.com/vVKWJLXGok
— wobblymusic (@wobblymusic) July 19, 2016
4. I considered borrowing this lobster claw from @WILDTORUS for my performance, but thought the better of it. pic.twitter.com/dhootyrfzL
— wobblymusic (@wobblymusic) July 19, 2016
5. @WILDTORUS do some cool art/dance but it's near impossible to get their essence in the required max of 90 secs. pic.twitter.com/WWwbufsOQi
— wobblymusic (@wobblymusic) July 19, 2016
6. Speaking of 90 secs, that's how long my song was, but only 60 secs aired on TV, and only 37 secs made it to the official YT video.
— wobblymusic (@wobblymusic) July 19, 2016
7. Lots of other stuff during my stage appearance didn't make it to the TV. Strangest Omission? The word theremin was never uttered!
— wobblymusic (@wobblymusic) July 19, 2016
8. Also cut was a back and forth w/ Howie about my SEX jacket (check the stitching). Too risque for TV? pic.twitter.com/aqDxB1wamJ
— wobblymusic (@wobblymusic) July 19, 2016
9. My favorite unscripted bit was when @NickCannon strangled me on stage. It made it into a promo video, but not TV. pic.twitter.com/aGOmv0WvUV
— wobblymusic (@wobblymusic) July 19, 2016
10. I loved this behind the scenes "Digital Exclusive" and thought it was edited very well. https://t.co/YT8xSntV6g
— wobblymusic (@wobblymusic) July 19, 2016
11. Despite the edits, I'm extremely grateful I got as much air time as I did. Some acts who passed got only a few seconds. Thanks @AGT
— wobblymusic (@wobblymusic) July 19, 2016
BoC Playlist for Friday, July 15, 2016
- Time | Artist | Song | Album [Format] | Misc Info {NEW: New Release, BotW: Band of the Week, BED: Music Played While Talking, REQ: Request, (_): Label}
- 8:01 | Big Naturals & Anthroprophh | God-Shaped Hole | S/T [mp3] | NEW • (Captcha, 2016)
- 8:24 | Lorelle Meets the Obsolete | La Distinción | Balance [mp3] | NEW • (Captcha, 2016)
- 8:30 | Super Furry Animals | Calimero | Mwng [2xCD] | BotW • (Flydaddy, 2000)
- 8:32 | Super Furry Animals | Sidewalk Serfer Girl | Rings Around the World [CD] | BotW • (XL, 2002)
- 8:35 | Super Furry Animals | Ice Hockey Hair | Songbook – The Singles Volume One [CD] | BotW • (XL, 2005)
- 8:43 | Gruff Rhys | Yr Atal Genhedlaeth / Gwn Mi Wn | Yr Atal Genhedlaeth [CD] | BotW • (Placid Casual, 2005)
- 8:46 | Gruff Rhys | Honey All Over | Hotel Shampoo [CD] | BotW • (Wichita, 2011)
- 8:49 | Seazoo | Teeth | [7"] | NEW • (Too Pure, 2016)
- 8:53 | Bubblegum Lemonade | Saturday Girl | Beard on a Bike [CD-5] | NEW • (Matinée, 2016)
- 8:58 | Dot Dash | 10,000 Days | Searchlights [CD] | NEW • (The Beautiful Music, 2016)
- 9:01 | Blitzkrieg Bop | Let’s Go | [7"] | (Lightning, 1977)
- 9:04 | Unsane | Jungle Music | [7"] | (PCP, 1991)
- 9:07 | Butthole Surfers | Psychedelic Jam [Live] | [2xCD] | BED
- 9:15 | Thought Criminals | Edge of Time | [7"] | (Doublethink, 1980)
- 9:18 | The Bam Balams | No One Else | [7"] | (Citadel, 1986)
- 9:21 | Sacred Cowboys | Trouble From Providence | [7"] | (Citadel, 1988)
- 9:27 | Flowchart | Acoustic Ambience | [7"] | (Fuzzy Box, 1995)
- 9:33 | Cassandra Wilson | Last Train to Clarksville | New Moon Daughter [CD] | (Blue Note, 1996)
- 9:38 | Flying Saucer Attack | Crystal Shade | [7"] | (S/R, 1994)
- 9:43 | Burnin Rain | Climb to the Sky | [7"] | (Mind & Eye, 1990)
- 9:47 | The Iguana Foundation | Oh Isn’t It Great | [7"] | (Eternal Love, 1987)
- 9:50 | El Chain Gang | Kill For You | [2x7"] | (Matador, 1990)
- 9:56 | Jack Scratch | When Worlds Collide | When Worlds Collide [3x7"] | (S/R, 1991)
BoC Playlist for Friday, July 8, 2016
- Time | Artist | Song | Album [Format] | Misc Info {NEW: New Release, BotW: Band of the Week, BED: Music Played While Talking, REQ: Request, (_): Label}
- 8:00 | David Nance | Fully Automatic | More Than Enough [CD] | NEW • (Ba Da Bing!, 2016)
- 8:04 | swampwalk | the boy who wanted to be a flower | unread #188 [7"] | NEW • (Unread, 2016)
- 8:07 | As Ondas | Iguale | Mares [LP] | NEW • (Tuff Enuff, 2016)
- 8:14 | Blake Babies | From Here To Burma | Earwig Demos [mp3] | NEW • (S/R, 1988/2016)
- 8:16 | Whitebelt | Crave | 100 Club Series Vol.3 #3 [7"] | NEW • (Odd Box, 2016)
- 8:20 | Seafang | Motorcycle Song | Motorcycle Song [mp3] | NEW • (Elephant Stone, 2016)
- 8:25 | Big Business | Last Legs | Command Your Weather [LP] | NEW • (Joyful Noise, 2016)
- 8:27 | Big Business | Regulars | Command Your Weather [LP] | NEW • (Joyful Noise, 2016)
- 8:32 | Q And Not U | Sleeping The Terror Code | No Kill No Beep Beep [CD] | BotW • (Dischord, 2000)
- 8:37 | Q And Not U | Ten Thousand Animal Calls | On Play Patterns [CD-5] | NEW • (Dischord, 2002)
- 8:42 | Tortoise | Shake Hands With Danger [Almost Live] | Almost Live [7"] | NEW • (Joyful Noise, 2016)
- 8:47 | Ought | New Calm, Pt. 1 | 2016 Flexi-Disc Series [7" Flexi] | NEW • (Joyful Noise, 2016)
- 8:52 | Mike Adams At His Honest Weight | The Lucky One [Sun Pavilion Version] | [One-Sided 7"] | NEW • (Joyful Noise, 2016)
- 8:57 | Dumb Numbers | My Mantra | [One-Sided 7"] | NEW • (Joyful Noise, 2016)
- 9:03 | The Delgados | The Actress | Peloton [CD] | (Chemikal Underground, 1999)
- 9:08 | Catherine Capozzi | The Actress’ Theme | Greetings from Spektor Island: music from the film TEN [mp3] | BED • (S/R, 2012)
- 9:13 | Califone | A Chinese Actor | Roots & Crowns [CD] | (Thrill Jockey, 2006)
- 9:17 | Prick | Actress | The Wreckard [mp3] | (Lucky Pierre, 2002)
- 9:21 | The Waves | My Love’s An Actress | Shock Horror! [CD] | (CGB, 1976/2010)
- 9:26 | Herzog | Shakespearean Actress | Cartoon Violence [LP] | (Exit Stencil, 2011)
- 9:31 | Super Furry Animals | The International Language Of Screaming / Demons | Radiator [2xCD] | (Flydaddy, 1999)
- 9:38 | My Teenage Stride | Actors’s Colony | Ears Like Golden Bats [CD] | (Becalmed, 2007)
- 9:41 | John Vanderslice | Promising Actress | Cellar Door [CD] | (Barsuk, 2004)
- 9:45 | Destroyer | An Actor’s Revenge | V/A Score! Vol. 12: Amy Poehler [CD] | (Merge, 2009)
- 9:49 | Body/Head | Actress | Coming Apart [CD] | (Matador, 2013)
- 9:54 | Blue Ash | I’m A Bad Actor | The Alternate Around…Again [mp3] | (Not Lame, 1975/2004)
- 9:57 | Go-Betweens | Lee Remick | 78 ’til 79 The Lost Album [CD] | (Jetset, 1978/1999)
BoC Playlist for Friday, July 1, 2016
- Time | Artist | Song | Album [Format] | Misc Info {NEW: New Release, BotW: Band of the Week, BED: Music Played While Talking, REQ: Request, (_): Label}
- 8:01 | BJ Snowden | In Canada | Life in the USA and Canada [CD] | (DeMilo, 1997)
- 8:04 | Shellac | Canada | Terraform [CD] | (Touch & Go, 1998)
- 8:06 | Subhumans | Oh Canaduh | Death Was Too Kind [CD] | (Alternative Tentacles, 1978/2008)
- 8:08 | Tyrannosaurus Dead | Canada | Flying Ant Day [CD] | (Odd Box, 2014)
- 8:14 | Silver Jews | Canada | Dime Map of the Reef [7"] | (Drag City, 1992)
- 8:16 | The Blow | Oh Canada | Everyday Examples Of Humans Facing Straight Into The Blow [CD] | (K, 2000/2005)
- 8:18 | Low | Canada | Trust [CD] | (Kranky, 2002)
- 8:24 | Emperor X | Canada Day | Western Teleport [CD] | (Bar/None, 2011)
- 8:28 | High Places | Canada | High Places Vs. Mankind [CD] | (Thrill Jockey, 2010)
- 8:34 | Lync | Pan | [7"] | BotW • (Magic Pail / Land Speed, 1993)
- 8:36 | Lync | MHz | [7"] | BotW • (Magic Pail / Land Speed, 1993)
- 8:40 | Mecca Normal | In Canada | Who Shot Elvis? [CD] | (Matador, 1997)
- 8:43 | The Field Mice | Canada | Where’d You Learn To Kiss That Way? [2xCD] | (Shinkansen/Sarah, 1990/1998)
- 8:48 | The Yummy Fur | The Canadian Flag | Male Shadow at Three O’Clock [10"] | (Vesuvius, 1998)
- 8:51 | NORTH of AMERICA | And They All Thought Canada | This is Dance Floor Numerology [CD] | (Progeria, 2001)
- 8:56 | The Free Design | Canada In Springtime | There’s A Friendly Breeze Always Blowing [CD] | (Siesta, 1973/1998)
- 8:58 | All Girl Summer Fun Band | Canadian Boyfriend | All Girl Summer Fun Band [CD] | (K, 2002)
- 9:03 | Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra | Fuck Off Get Free (For The Island Of Montreal) | Fuck Off Get Free We Pour Light On Everything [CD] | (Constellation, 2014)
- 9:13 | Violent Femmes | Vancouver [Live] | Add It Up (1981-1993) [CD] | BED • (Slash, 1992/1993)
- 9:18 | The Deafening Colors | Carousel Season | Carousel Season [CD] | NEW • (S/R, 2015)
- 9:22 | Cris Slotoroff | Interview I | [Live]
- 9:29 | Cris Slotoroff | The Front Porch [Live] | [Live]
- 9:33 | Cris Slotoroff | Interview II | [Live]
- 9:34 | Cris Slotoroff | Diving Horse’s Ghost [Live] | [Live]
- 9:38 | Cris Slotoroff | Interview III | [Live]
- 9:39 | Cris Slotoroff | Past Time [Live] | [Live]
- 9:45 | Q And Not U | Line In The Sand | No Kill No Beep Beep [CD] | (Dischord, 2000)
- 9:49 | Red Squares | Ottawa Today | [7"] | (Double Helix, 1978)
- 9:52 | The Dirtbombs | The Size Of Ottawa | V/A Billiards at Nine Thirty Split w/ King Khan & His Shrines [CD] | (Sounds of Subterrania!, 2005)
- 9:53 | The Wedding Present | Montreal | Saturnalia [3xCD] | (Edsel, 1996/2014)
- 9:57 | Weakerthans | One Great City! | Reconstruction Site [CD] | (Epitaph, 2003)
BoC Playlist for Friday, June 24, 2016
- Time | Artist | Song | Album [Format] | Misc Info {NEW: New Release, BotW: Band of the Week, BED: Music Played While Talking, REQ: Request, (_): Label}
- 8:01 | Redd Kross | Take It Home | Hot Issue [LP] | NEW • (Redd Kross Fashion, 2016)
- 8:05 | The Morning Line | Only Game In Town | [mp3] | NEW • (S/R, 2016)
- 8:15 | The Deafening Colors | Mary-Anne | Carousel Season [CD] | NEW • (S/R, 2016)
- 8:18 | Mercury Girls | Holly [live] | Demos & Live Songs [mp3] | (S/R, 2015)
- 8:21 | Dot Dash | The Infinite | Searchlights [mp3] | NEW • (The Beautiful Music, 2016)
- 8:26 | Charm Bags | Trouble | V/A Typical Girls [CD] | NEW • (Emotional Response, 2016)
- 8:29 | Cheap Time | Showboat | Fantastic Explanations (and Similar Situations) [CD] | BotW • (In the Red, 2010)
- 8:33 | Cheap Time | More Cigarettes | Wallpaper Music [CD] | BotW • (In The Red, 2012)
- 8:37 | Cheap Time | Exit Smiles | Exit Smiles [CD] | (In The Red, 2013)
- 8:41 | Cheap Time | Macbeth [Recorded Live to Tape 6-11-2012] | Third Man Live [7"] | BotW • (Third Man, 2012)
- 8:45 | Jeffrey Novak | Home Sweet Home | [7"] | BotW • (Shattered, 2009)
- 8:47 | Jeffrey Novak | Pictures On A Screen | V/A Trouble In Mind’s 2013 FALL(out) Sampler [mp3] | BotW • (Trouble In Mind, 2013)
- 8:51 | Jeffrey Novak | I Never Knew I Knew So Much | Singles Going Home Alone [7"] | (Matador, 2013)
- 8:55 | T.O.Y.S | The Sound Of | Sicks [LP] | NEW • (Odd Box, 2016)
- 9:00 | Dumptruck | Winter | Positively Dumptruck [CD] | (Rykodisc, 1985/2003)
- 9:04 | Tuesday Weld | Wintersong | (Herself) [CD] | BED • (Supermodern/Dhyana, 1996)
- 9:10 | The Fiery Furnaces | Winter | V/A Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before… [CD] | (Rough Trade, 2003)
- 9:14 | Screaming Trees | Winter Song | Sweet Oblivion [mp3] | (Epic, 1992)
- 9:18 | Pine | Winter | Books and Magazines [mp3] | (Arch Hill, 2010)
- 9:23 | Nico | Winter Song | Chelsea Girl [CD] | (Polydor, 1967)
- 9:26 | Family | Winter | Music In A Doll’s House [LP] | (Reprise, 1968)
- 9:30 | Lync | Electricity | [7"] | (K, 1993)
- 9:32 | Goblin Mix | The Winter Song | The Complete Goblin Mix & The Exploding Budgies [CD] | (Flying Nun, 1985/1991)
- 9:35 | Ungle Wiggly | Winter | V/A Dreams Are Free (With Purchase) [CD] | (Dark Beloved Cloud, 1998)
- 9:43 | Appalachian Death Ride | Wintersong | Appalachian Death Ride [CD] | (Anyway, 1995)
- 9:45 | The Notwist | Winter | The Notwist [CD] | (Subway, 1990/1991)
- 9:48 | Flying Saucer Attack | Wintersong | Mirror [CD] | (Drag City, 2000)
- 9:53 | Outcasts | Winter | Blood and Thunder [LP] | (Abstract, 1982)
- 9:58 | Colourmusic | Winter Song | F, Monday, Orange, February, Venus, Lunatic, 1 Or 13 [CD] | (Great Society, 2008)
BoC Playlist for Friday, June 17, 2016
- Time | Artist | Song | Album [Format] | Misc Info {NEW: New Release, BotW: Band of the Week, BED: Music Played While Talking, REQ: Request, (_): Label}
- 8:00 | The Fun Things | Lipstick | [7"] | (EMI Custom, 1980)
- 8:04 | Rocket from the Crypt | Lipstick | RFTC [mp3] | (Interscope, 1998)
- 8:07 | Imperial Teen | Lipstick | What Is Not to Love [CD] | (Slash, 1998)
- 8:11 | Buzzcocks | Lipstick | [7"] | (United Artists, 1978)
- 8:15 | Ariel Pink | Lipstick | Pom Pom [CD] | (4AD, 2014)
- 8:19 | Dressy Bessy | Lipstick | Little Music [CD] | (Kindercore, 2003)
- 8:21 | Lemuria | Lipstick | Get Better [CD] | (Asian Man, 2008)
- 8:25 | Dixie Dirt | Lipstick | On Our Way Like We Never Met [CD] | (Makeshift, 2004)
- 8:31 | BEAK> | Wulfstan | Wulfstan [12"] | BotW • (Wolfstan, 2010)
- 8:36 | BEAK> | Wulfstan II | BEAK>> [CD] | BotW • (Invada, 2012)
- 8:44 | Saints | Lipstick On Your Collar | One Two Three Four [7"] | (Harvest, 1977)
- 8:47 | Demolition Doll Rods | African Lipstick | Unauthorized! [7"] | (Bulb, 1994)
- 8:48 | Zero Boys | Put Some Lipstick On It | Pro Dirt [7"] | (1-2-3-4 Go!, 2013)
- 8:50 | Beggars Court | Lipstick Blues | Go And Do It [2xCD] | (Small Axe, 1985/1996)
- 8:53 | Elvis Costello & The Attractions | Lipstick Vogue | This Year’s Model [LP] | (Columbia, 1978)
- 8:57 | Shumai | Dog Lipstick | Leisure Champs [CD] | (Total Gaylord, 2003)
- 9:01 | Wire | Dead Weight | Nocturnal Koreans [CD] | NEW • (Pink Flag, 2016)
- 9:04 | The Deafening Colors | Parkway South | Carousel Season [CD] | NEW • (S/R, 2016)
- 9:07 | Butthole Surfers | Psychedelic Jam [Live] | Double Live [2xCD] | BED
- 9:14 | Grim Brides | I’mGunnaBeSick | [7"] | NEW • (Too Pure, 2016)
- 9:19 | False Advertising | Give It Your Worst | [7"] | NEW • (Too Pure, 2016)
- 9:22 | Kikagaku Moyo | Green Sugar | House in the Tall Grass [LP] | NEW • (Guruguru Brain, 2016)
- 9:30 | Cheap Time | People Talk | Cheap Time [CD] | (In The Red, 2008)
- 9:35 | Fur Family | Airplanes & Cigarettes | Homely Singles Blind Date Club [7"] | NEW • (PIAPTK, 2016)
- 9:38 | Krab Legz | Hollandaise In The Sun | Homely Singles Blind Date Club [7"] | NEW • (PIAPTK, 2016)
- 9:41 | Spaceface | Trust | Homely Singles Blind Date Club [7"] | NEW • (PIAPTK, 2016)
- 9:45 | The Coke Dares | Fantasy Book | Homely Singles Blind Date Club [7"] | NEW • (PIAPTK, 2016)
- 9:47 | Strong Martian | Running Back | Homely Singles Blind Date Club [7"] | NEW • (PIAPTK, 2016)
- 9:51 | The Dad | Second Best Friends | unread #129 [7"] | (Unread, 2013)
- 9:55 | Ghost Wave | All U Do Is Kill | Radio Norfolk [mp3] | NEW • (Flying Nun, 2016)
BoC Playlist for Friday, June 10, 2016
- Time | Artist | Song | Album [Format] | Misc Info {NEW: New Release, BotW: Band of the Week, BED: Music Played While Talking, REQ: Request, (_): Label}
- 8:01 | The Monkees | You Bring the Summer | Good Times! [CD] | NEW • (Rhino, 2016)
- 8:04 | T.O.Y.S | Wall | Sicks [LP] | NEW • (Odd Box, 2016)
- 8:12 | Guided By Voices | Glittering Parliaments | Please Be Honest [CD] | NEW • (GBV Inc., 2016)
- 8:14 | Sloan | Learn How To Play Dead | One Chord To Another: The Outtakes [LP] | NEW • (Murderecords, 2016)
- 8:17 | Honey Radar | Ft Wayne Mermaids | Blank Cartoon [LP] | NEW • (What’s Your Rupture?, 2016)
- 8:20 | Honey Radar | Telephone Betty’s Aneurysm | Ignore The Bells [MP3] | NEW • (Chunklet, 2016)
- 8:24 | City Yelps | The Corn | The City Yelps Half Hour [LP] | NEW • (Odd Box, 2016)
- 8:31 | The Octopus Project | Wet Gold | Golden Beds [CD-5] | BotW • (Peek-A-Boo, 2009)
- 8:34 | The Octopus Project | The Falls | Fever Forms [CD] | BotW • (Peek-A-Boo, 2013)
- 8:37 | The Octopus Project | Pyramid Kosmos | Fever Forms [CD] | BotW • (Peek-A-Boo, 2013)
- 8:43 | Descendents | Victim Of Me | Hypercaffium Spazzinate [Soundcloud] | NEW • (Epitaph, 2016)
- 8:44 | The Dyson Spheres | liver kicker | [mp3] | NEW • (Emotional Response, 2016)
- 8:46 | Vision | What I Need | Inertia [CD] | NEW • (Burger, 2016)
- 8:48 | Scupper | Drown Me Out | [7"] | NEW • (Ever/never, 2016)
- 8:53 | The Deafening Colors | Island Full of Christians | Upstairs [mp3] | (S/R, 2012)
- 8:56 | Rainbow Reservoir | Coco Sleeps Around | Coco Sleeps Around [mp3] | NEW • (Odd Box, 2016)
- 8:59 | The Go-Gos | Our Lips Are Sealed | Beauty And The Beat [LP] | (I.R.S., 1981)
- 9:02 | Allo Darlin’ | Kiss Your Lips | Allo Darlin’ [CD] | (Fortuna Pop!, 2009)
- 9:06 | Sonic Youth | Silver Wax Lips | Silver Session (For Jason Knuth) [CD] | BED • (SKR, 1998)
- 9:11 | Cheap Trick | Blood Red Lips | Bang Zoom Crazy… Hello [CD] | NEW • (Big Machine, 2016)
- 9:14 | Dinosaur | Severed Lips | S/T [CD] | (Merge, 1985/2005)
- 9:18 | Th’ Faith Healers | Curly Lips | Peel Sessions [CD] | (Ba Da Bing!, 1996)
- 9:22 | Billy May & Dr. Samuel J. Hoffman | Remembering Your Lips | Music For Peace Of Mind [CD] | BED • (Basta, 1950/1999)
- 9:23 | Ram’s Head Lady Slipper | Read My Lips | May [mp3] | (S/R, 2013)
- 9:29 | Portishead | We Carry On | Third [CD] | (Mercury, 2008)
- 9:35 | Johnny Kidd & The Pirates | Longin’ Lips | The Best Of Johnny Kidd & The Pirates [mp3] | (EMI Gold, 1960/2008)
- 9:37 | Hammer Damage | Automatic Lips | [7"] | (Broken Records, 1979)
- 9:40 | Kim Pieters / Peter Stapleton | The Two Lips That Are Not One | V/A Badaboom Gramophone #3 [CD] | BED • (Ba Da Bing!, 1998)
- 9:41 | Echo & the Bunnymen | Lips Like Sugar [single mix] | Lips Like Sugar [12"] | (Sire, 1987)
- 9:45 | Smog | Wine Stained Lips | [7"] | (Drag City, 1993)
- 9:49 | Splendora | Bee Stung Lips | In The Grass [CD] | (Koch, 1995)
- 9:52 | W-X | Dancing Lips | W-X [CD] | BED • (Castle Face, 2015)
- 9:53 | Wooden Shjips | Loose Lips | Vol. 2 [CD] | (Sick Thirst, 2007/2010)
BoC Playlist for Friday, May 27, 2016
- Time | Artist | Song | Album [Format] | Misc Info {NEW: New Release, BotW: Band of the Week, BED: Music Played While Talking, REQ: Request, (_): Label}
- 8:01 | Gary Numan & Tubeway Army | You Are In My Vision | Replicas Redux [2xCD] | (Beggars Banquet, 1979/2008)
- 8:04 | Jacuzzi Boys | Double Vision | Jacuzzi Boys [CD] | (Hardly Art, 2013)
- 8:08 | Elf Power | Visions Of The Sea | Creatures [CD] | (spinART, 2002)
- 8:13 | Aonghus McEvoy | Clotted Vision | For Tom Carter | BED
- 8:16 | Robyn Hitchcock | Visions of Johanna | Robyn Sings [2xCD] | (Editions PAF!, 2002)
- 8:22 | Simones | Shaman’s vision | Balloon Ride [LP] | (Head Spin, 1998/2013)
- 8:29 | The Dodos | Confidence | Carrier [CD] | (Polyvinyl, 2013)
- 8:34 | The Dodos | Going Under | No Color [CD] | (Frenchkiss, 2011)
- 8:40 | The Dodos | Men | Beware of The Maniacs [mp3] | (S/R, 2006)
- 8:44 | Gentle Tasaday | Vision Burn | In The Mind’s Eye Of A Blind Tasaday [CD] | BED • (Camera Obscura, 1998)
- 8:45 | Forever Cult | Tunnel Vision | [7"] | (Too Pure, 2015)
- 8:48 | Thee Vinyl Creatures | Tunnel Vision | The Sun & The Silver Anthology Volume 1 [mp3] | (Battle, 1992/2013)
- 8:52 | Head Quarters | Tunnel Vision | V/A Psychedelica Volume One [2xCD] | (Northern Star, 2006)
- 8:55 | Yo La Tengo | Tunnel Vision [unreleased instrumental demo] | Extra Painful [mp3] | BED • (Matador, 1992/2014)
- 8:57 | Alternative TV | Action Time Vision | [7"] | (Deptford Fun City, 1978)
- 8:59 | VIsion | Control | Inertia [CD] | NEW • (Burger, 2016)
- 9:03 | Marissa Nadler | Skyscraper | Strangers [CD] | NEW • (Sacred Bones, 2016)
- 9:07 | Butthole Surfers | Psychedelic Jam [Live] | Double Live [2xCD] | BED
- 9:14 | Wussy | Ceremony | [7"] | NEW • (Damnably, 2016)
- 9:19 | Earthling Society | My Morning Prayer | Dayz Of Purple And Hope [mp3] | NEW • (Dayz Of Purple And Orange, 2016)
- 9:26 | Chris Knox | Baby You´re A Rich Man | KnoxTraxFine [mp3] | NEW • (Thokei Tapes, 1987/2016)
- 9:32 | Taken By Trees | Sweet Child O’ Mine | [mp3] | (Rough Trade, 2008)
- 9:37 | Zig Zags | They Came For Us | Running Out Of Red [CD] | NEW • (Castle Face, 2016)
- 9:42 | Synthetic ID | Replacement Parts | Impulses [CD] | NEW • (Castle Face, 2016)
- 9:46 | Mike Adams At His Honest Weight | Diem Be | Casino Drone [LP] | NEW • (Joyful Noise, 2016)
- 9:49 | Heaters | Centennial | Baptistina [Soundcloud] | NEW • (Beyond Beyond is Beyond, 2016)
- 9:54 | Love Child | All is Loneliness | Love Child Plays Moondog [7"] | (Forced Exposure, 1990)
BoC Playlist for Friday, May 20, 2016
- Time | Artist | Song | Album [Format] | Misc Info {NEW: New Release, BotW: Band of the Week, BED: Music Played While Talking, REQ: Request, (_): Label}
- 8:01 | Rakta | Cavernaaaaaaa | V/A Typical Girls [CD] | NEW • (Emotional Response, 2016)
- 8:07 | Kikagaku Moyo | Trad | House in the Tall Grass [LP] | NEW • (Guruguru Brain, 2016)
- 8:18 | Doug Tuttle | Falling To Believe | It Calls On Me [CD] | NEW • (Trouble in Mind, 2016)
- 8:22 | Guillermo Sexo | Confidence Beams | Eclipse [CD] | NEW • (S/R, 2016)
- 8:26 | The Myrrors | Liberty Is In the Street | Entranced Earth [LP] | NEW • (Beyond Beyond is Beyond, 2016)
- 8:31 | The Knife | Full Of Fire | Shaking The Habitual [2xCD] | BotW • (Rabid / Brille / Mute, 2013)
- 8:40 | The Knife | Bird [Shaken-Up Version] | Shaken-Up Versions [CD] | BotW • (Rabid / Brille / Mute, 2014)
- 8:46 | Black Helicopter | Coattails | Deadlines For Deadbeats [CD-5] | NEW • (Midriff, 2016)
- 8:51 | Angry Angles | The 15th | Angry Angles [LP] | NEW • (Goner, 2006/2016)
- 8:55 | Mercury Girls | All That Heaven Allows | [7"] | NEW • (Slumberland, 2016)
- 8:58 | Milky Wimpshake | Velvet Pants | [7"] | NEW • (Tuff Enuff, 2016)
- 9:01 | Dion McGregor | The Judge | Dion McGregor Oversleepzzz! [mp3] | (Torpor Vigil, 2014)
- 9:03 | Last Stand | Judge | Faith in Fate [LP] | (One Way, 1988)
- 9:06 | Bedspreads | Judge Dredd | V/A Go And Do It [2xCD] | (Small Axe, 1983/1996)
- 9:06 | Butthole Surfers | Psychedelic Jam [live] | Double Live [2xCD] | BED
- 9:13 | Marissa Nadler | Judgement Day | V/A Not Alone (Medicins Sans Frontiéres) [5xCD] | (Jnana, 2005)
- 9:18 | 28th Day | Stones Of Judgement | 28th Day [CD] | (Skyclad, 1985/1992)
- 9:21 | The Sound | Judgement | From The Lion’s Mouth [CD] | (Warner, 1981/2001)
- 9:25 | Honor Role | Judgement Day | [7"] | (Eskimo, 1985)
- 9:30 | The Dodos | The Strums | Time To Die [CD] | (Frenchkiss, 2009)
- 9:34 | Kendra Smith | Judge Not | Five Ways Of Disappearing [CD] | (4AD, 1995)
- 9:38 | Roky Erickson w/ Okkervil River | Please, Judge | True Love Cast Out All Evil [CD] | (Anti-, 2010)
- 9:44 | Soul Asylum | The Judge | While You Were Out [LP] | (Twin Tone, 1986)
- 9:47 | POW! | Cold Blooded Judge | Fight Fire [CD] | (Castle Face, 2015)
- 9:50 | The Vapors | Here Comes The Judge [Live] | New Clear Days [mp3] | (Captain Mod, 1980/2000)
- 9:57 | The Credibility Gap | You Can’t Judge A Book By Its Hair | A Great Gift Idea [CD] | (Collector’s Choice, 1973/2008)