I discovered the Springbats and Mugshots fonts while searching
the Net for references to my own Akbar Font. Since
both of these fonts used only a small portion of the available character set,
I decided to combine them into one larger font, while throwing in a few new
characters of my own. I call the result "Springbats Deluxe." If you
download this font,
I like getting compliments.
Download the Springbats Deluxe
TrueType font for Windows (compressed zip file)
Download the
Springbats Deluxe TrueType font for Macintosh (stuffed and BinHexed suitcase
O.K., I've downloaded the font. Now what
do I do?
- Macintosh Users: After de-BinHex-ing, and de-stuffing,
just drag and drop the resulting font suitcase into the "Fonts"
folder within the "System" folder. Please be sure to read the "README"
- Windows 95, 98 & ME Users: After un-zipping
the TrueType font, simply drag and drop the resulting file "akbar.ttf"
into any folder except the "Windows\Fonts" folder.
Open Control Panel. Open the Fonts applet. From the "File" drop down menu,
select "Install New Font..." Navigate to the folder in which you extracted
"akbar.ttf", select it and click "OK." Please be sure
to read the "README " file.
- Windows 3.1 Users: After un-zipping the TrueType
font, copy the resulting file "akbar.ttf" into the "Windows\System"
directory. Open Control Panel. Open the Fonts applet. Click on "Add...".
If the Directories panel is not showing you to be in the "Windows\System"
directory, navigate to it now. A List of Fonts should appear, including one
called "Akbar Plain". Select "Akbar Plain". Make sure
that the "Copy Fonts to Windows Directory" box is not checked.
Choose "close"and then choose "close". You may have to
restart Windows before the font will work. Please be sure to read the "README
" file.
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