The Lothars

From The Montreal Mirror, Nov. 30, 2000.

The Lothars
Oscillate My Metallic Sonatas (Wobbly Music)

DISC Everybody loves theremins, right? Those odd old contraptions that sing the body electric with a wave of the hand? C'mon, a little "woo-ee-oo" to give that Jon Spencer or Pixies tune some saucer-man je ne sais quoi. Now here's an (almost) all-theremin band to up the ante on the musical motion detector. "Deep" enough to reflect the instrument's roots in early-century electronic experimentalism and pained enough to relect its inventor's tragic fate (that's another story), Oscillate nevertheless comes off like a friendlier version of the terrifying tonescapes on Louis & Bebe Barron's seminal Forbidden Planet soundtrack. If that helps. Woo-ee-oo! 8.5/10 (Rupert Bottenberg)